New Year, New Home

Hello world, again. I’ve decided to move my writing to my personal website after mostly posting on Medium over the last few years. I’ve struggled with how to arrange the stories of my life. Do I put the birth stories with the technology posts? Do motherhood posts vibe with my founder stories or my running and growth reflections? I mean, they are all my personal experiences, so I guess so.

I’m writing for myself to process and to connect with others, but also writing for others to hopefully make another persons journey easier, less lonely, and sprinkle in some inspiration and possibly a very technical tutorial or opinion post. So, this new home for my writing is less of a dedicated space for work related posts or a personal blog, but more about all the things I want to share that are inside of me. A new home that is not on Medium or another publication, but all on my blog and my domain.

I have a lot of drafts of blog posts that I’ve been working on and wanting to share in order to connect with more people with similar experiences. I’ve been holding back. But this Maya Angelou quote has been sitting with me and pushing me to open up and share more. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.” I feel this. Let’s see how this turns out. 🙃

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