This is a list of interviews and articles about APIs, awards, coverage of Hack the Gap over the years, and various topic about women in tech and leadership. Thank you to everyone who has given a spotlight to the things I’ve built and problems I’ve worked to solve in community with others.
Birth, RePRODUCTIVE HEALTH, & Building Mina
Twilio Developer Spotlight: Kristen Womack | Twilio | by Julie Griffin | 5/21/20
COVID-19 Is Forcing Expectant Parents to Make Tough Choices. Here’s What You Need to Know | Worth | by Arick Wierson | 4/28/20
Work Well: Reset Buttons & Intentional Mindsets | Tech{dot}MN | by Laura Beier | 4/15/20
Gather Birth Interview | by Gather Birth | 3/2020
BEHIND THE ‘FEM’ IN FEMTECH | Starting Up North | by Laura Beiber | 8/20/19
Developer Spotlight: Kristen Womack | by Julie Griffin | 5/21/20
10 companies that implemented the microservice architecture and paved the way for others | by Aleksandra Kwiecień | divante | 2/8/19
From monolith to microservices: Horror stories and best practices | by Bill Doerrfeld | Tech Beacon | 2017
Developer Personas as a Revenue Growth Tool | by Mark Boyd | VisionMobile | 6/2/16
APIStrat Announces 2016 Program Chair Lorinda Brandon, and the Program Committee of API Industry Thought Leaders For October’s Boston Event | 3Scale | 4/26/16
Runscope Chats with API Thought Leaders at the API Strategy & Practice Conference in Austin | by Ashley Waxman | 12/22/15
Best Buy partners with IFTTT to offer store alerts | USATODAY | 11/26/14
BEST BUY LAUNCHES RECOMMENDATIONS API | Interview with Kristen Womack | Programmable Web | 8/8/14
COVID-19 Is Forcing Expectant Parents to Make Tough Choices. Here’s What You Need to Know | by Arick Wierson | Worth | 4/28/20
2018 Alumnae Award Winners Showcase Community Engagement and Professional Excellence | St. Kate's | 5/8/18
Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again: Solving Tech's Biggest Issue | by Anna Meyer | The Riveter | 3/14/18
Most Likely to Succeed Startup | Minnesota Business Magazine | 11/29/17
The future according to the tech oracles | by Brian Martucci | Minnesota Business Magazine | 11/22/16
MN on the National Non-Flyover Radar During TCSW | by Jennifer Gilhoi | Spark Track 9/21/16
40 Under 40 Interview - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal | 3/11/16
40 Under 40 Announcement | Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal | 1/21/2016
Behind the ‘Fem’ in Femtech | by Laura Beier | Starting Up North | 8/20/19
Hack the Gap Acquired by Minneapolis Tech Startup 26 Letters | By Maddy Kennedy | MinneInno | 6/18/19
26 Letters Acquires Hack the Gap | Hack the Gap | 6/18/19
Meet Minne Inno’s 2019 ‘Inno on Fire’ Winners | By Maddy Kennedy | MinneInno | 5/2/19
A List of 100+ Women Who Can Speak at Your Next Twin Cities Startup Event | By Maddy Kennedy | MinneInno | 4/17/19
Hack the Gap Seeks Expansion After Fifth Annual Hackathon | By Taryn Phaneuf | MinneInno | 1/28/19
Hack the Gap brings female techies to downtown St. Paul this weekend | by Frederick Melo | Pioneer Press | 1/25/19
Hack the Gap Shows There Are Women in Tech | by MAKE IT. MSP. | 1/6/17
COCO Members Hack the Diversity Gap | by CoCo | 1/6/17
See Big Ideas Born at Hack the Gap’s 2017 Hackathon at Target’s Minneapolis HQ | by Target | 1/17/17
Building community at Hack the Gap | by Ira Brooker | 6/2/15
[Video] Hack The Gap 2016 Demos | TECH{dot}MN | 5/17/16
Hack the Gap Delivers On Minnesota’s First Female Hackathon | Tech{dot}MN | 5/18/2015
Twin Cities Geekettes Create a Chance to Stand Out | Star Tribune |5/14/2015
Women (Heart) Tech | by Brian Martucci | Minnesota Business Magazine | 12/23/2015
A Peek Inside a MPLS MadWomen Event | Zeus Jones | 11/3/2014